Eggs and Potatoes – symbolic beyond Passover and Easter

Eggs and Potatoes – symbolic beyond Passover and Easter

As we approach the end of the second week of our national lockdown with everyone guessing if it will end as planned or be extended further, we are all facing the daily challenges that the uncertainty brings. For many, the financial impact of the Covid-19 virus will remind us of the risks inherent in markets and also the eventual rewards that are gained from staying the course and riding out the storm during difficult times. Along with the multitude of messages we are all no doubt receiving, one that stands out as worthy of sharing is the analogy of the potato and the egg in boiling water:

The same boiling water that softens the potato, hardens the egg – it’s about what you’re made of, not the circumstances.”

When you receive your statements next week, we urge you to remember the above, and not to panic. The values reported from the end of March are the figures at a notional, man-made point in time, and values can and do move both positively and negatively every day. As at the 31st of March our investments had already seen some swift and significant recoveries from the lows of mid-March, when markets were at their most volatile. Much of the early part of April has continued the trend to lower volatility and incremental gains – long may these continue! But, more importantly, remember what your long-term financial goals are, what you are made of and draw strength from the challenges we’re facing.

Wishing you and your family a safe and healthy week ahead, and all the best over the long weekend, and festivities ahead.

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